Week One of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge
Week One of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Week One of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Fun to see my efforts in a grouping like this

Week 1  30 in 30 days challenge Helen Shideler

Day 1 Purple Finch

Being greeted by these brightly coloured birds was breath-taking.  They are not a regular visitor to our feeders but were around for a few days at Christmas.

Day 2 Seed Stuffer

Our feeders provide us a constant source of entertainment when we are sitting down to eat. They are located right outside our large kitchen window. The little red squirrel has claimed on of the birdhouses as its own, chewed the opening to make it larger and stores is seeds in the birdhouse.

Day 3 Lunch on the Deck

These amazing little birds gather as group every morning and afternoon at the feeders we have on our deck. They stay for hours providing plenty of entertainment for those of us lucky enough to be there. They fight over the perces at the feeders – kind of cute.

Day 4 Nut Job

The daily antics of our little red squirrels give us so much amusement.  They appear to be so expressive as they raid our seed and nut staches.  

Day 5 Cheeky Chickadee

These little birds amaze me with their spirit.  I cannot get over how these little birds will loudly inform us when the feeders are empty.  Or even tell us off when we are out on the deck and in their way to the feeders.  Cute and spirited.  Almost my favourite!

Day 6 Out on a Limb

Sweet and lively chickadees always make my heart sing.  

Day 7 Song Sparrow

Another Sweet visitor to our feeders.  This one seems to be patiently waiting its turn at the feeders.