Spring Scentsation
Large acrylic painting of lilacs is finally signed and off the easel
I think I heard a heavenly choir of angels Hallelujah! Really I mean it. I have spent so much quality time with this painting. First scoping all the lilac shrubs in Quispamsis, Rothesay and beyond. Then taking photos. I scouted, I hunted and even had friends on the lookout for me. Interesting enough these particular blooms grow in my own backyard.
Worth crying over
Then I remembered what I forgot. The wonderful scent of heavily perfumed lilacs are an allergy trigger for me. I managed to take photos through my watery eyes. This was pretty funny. I was taking photos of the lilacs and my eyes started running. Not just teary, but full on running like a tap. Then my sinuses filled up and I was leaking everywhere. I was literally catching rivers of tears off my chin! Not a cute image I know, but it shows just how stubborn I can be. I stayed out there taking photos until I literally no longer could see through my tears and had absolutely no idea what I was getting. Confirming my suspicion that I am allergic to lilacs. And I did this repeatedly evening after evening until the blooms were too far past their prime.
Allergies will not stop me from loving and painting them! Interesting enough, they were so imprinted on my mind that I could actually smell them as I was painting. Then when I went to bed I continued to paint them in my dreams. Really, really imprinted!
Size matters
The painting process was interesting. At first I tried, honestly tried to paint loose and flowing. Determined to use some nice new #12 brushes. Oh the satisfaction from loose and flowing strokes! Only I couldn’t. I gave up on the big brushes very early in the process and reverted back to my #2s and #4s. Then I went back in and fixed the florets that I first started with. Ah, my comfort zone – complexity and detail.
I have another canvas or two this size. What should I paint next?

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Val van der Poel
This is a lovely painting Helen – well done!
Helen Shideler
Thank you so much Val