Plein Air Aplenty and Rabbit Holes
Plein Air Aplenty and Rabbit Holes

Plein Air Aplenty and Rabbit Holes

I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back outside painting.  I really live for this.  I love being outside in nature.  Hearing the birds, feeling the sun (sometimes), along with my painting buddy.  It’s all good and such a positive experience.  Even when I think my painting may be looking a bit like.. meh.  The good news is, once I am back in the studio they seem to look much better.

Here are the ones I’ve completed so far. All are 9 x 12” and are oil on panel:

Into the rabbit hole

So there is this thing called a rabbit hole.  You know, it’s when you allow yourself to become distracted and utterly fascinated with something which may or may not have any real relevance to you.  But it is captivating.

The rabbit hole is often deep and engaging. The rabbit hole is also comforting.  You curl up, get comfy and indulge.  Scrolling. Scrolling.  Scrolling. You don’t plan it  – it just happens. It allows you to convince yourself into thinking some good may come of it.  

Confession: I am a Master Procrastinator

Rabbit holes support one of my key strengths.  Did you know that it takes a lot of effort to be a MASTER at anything?  In my case as a master procrastinator?  It’s nice to feel you excel at something.  And boy do I excel.

And, I can even justify it! I’ve come to realize this diversion is often an opportunity to recharge.  To seek inspiration. To explore.  Oh heaven forbid…to shop!  I think that I allow myself the trip into the rabbit hole when something has me frustrated and maybe I am uncertain what that really is.  Or if there is something I’m trying to avoid or just can’t seem to get going.  P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N

I often bring myself back by talking to myself saying “you know Helen, that painting is not going to paint itself!”

Do you find yourself getting lost in this way as well? What do you do to break its spell?

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Until next time – cheers


  1. Jenn

    The scrolling rabbit hole is such a time suck. I have to put my phone in do not disturb and leave it on the other side of the room sometimes.

    I love all these paintings but the Matthews cove ones especially captivate me.

    1. Helen Shideler

      Yeah – I have to do more of that as well – trouble is I forget to turn the do not disturb off – sometimes for a few days

      I was at Matthews Cove again today