It’s always a wonderful week when one sells not one but two paintings!! So happy! So grateful. Life is good. Mystic Blues sold at the RNS Art Show & Sale this weekend and so did…
…“On Watch”, painting of a raven keeping a watchful eye on me – while sitting on top of the coolest rock formation I have ever painted.
The good news continues
Earlier in the week I received an email about my “Magenta Magic” poured painting.
We are pleased to inform you that from 320 paintings submitted from 32 countries worldwide, our Jurors, Anne McCartney CSPWC, AWS, TWSA; Peter Marsh CSPWC, OSA, SCA, TWS; and Rainbow Tse have selected the painting on the labels below as a finalist for the IWS Canada & CSPWC/SCPA’s “A Symphony in Watercolour” Exhibition
This is all so very cool. The universe really does send back good karma when you live with the spirit of giving. I recently donated a large painting to the IWK Ladies Auxiliary for their Kremese Art Show and Sale next weekend. And also a bunch of cards to an environmental group for a fundraiser. And then there is that ginormous window I am painting for ProKids. Not that I have give to get back other than the feeling that I have done something good.
As an artist, you have to be selective on how/what you give, how often you give and decide whether or not the cause is near and dear to you – we are asked for donations a lot. I have a few favourites that I donate to each year.
New work in progress
A yet to be named poured watercolour. It still has a long way to go. The slideshow below takes it through the ugly duckling stage to the point where I have removed the masking compound. I hope the magic happens in the next step of the process.
Click through to see the progression so far
congratulations on selling the two paintings Helen, must feel good…i love that fiesty old crow . As for those flowers, I can almost smell them. Thank u for including me on your updates…
It has been a great week or two Pauline. Lots of fun and exciting stuff happening.