Swirls and Ripples is a poured painting of the koi fish we once had in our pond. They were always delightful and entertaining. Some of the fish had individual personalities, well sort of. Really it was the biggest who would surface first for the food offering.
I really enjoy the process of producing a poured painting. You really need to start with a fairly good drawing as the lines and details will soon get lost in the masking compound and puddling paint.
After i have the drawing where you want it, you carefully start to apply the mask to the places where you want to preserve the whites. Once dry, I will typically spray the painting with a good mist of water before I apply the paint. Sometimes I will pour on only one colour at a time. But I do like the way the paint mixes wet in wet. I make that decision based on the image and what I am looking to accomplish with the pour.
And after a few pours it starts to look like this
Helpful hint
Use a rubber cement pick up rubber to remove the masking compound. Makes a huge difference.
With the masking compound removed the under painting is complete. TIme to refresh some of the colours, add in some brushwork to sharpen the details and then sign it!
Lovely and mesmerizing results!
Thank you Renate