Trusting my intuition
I had set this painting aside for a little while while I was finishing off some smaller works for the recent studio tour. I must have picked it up three or four times this week – and then set it back down. You see, I know how complex the background is in the reference photos and wanted to be sure how I was going to tackle it. I finally convinced myself to just get started and trust my intuition and go with it. Glad I picked it back up. I am still somewhat fearful as I know the amount of time and effort required to complete it. Did I mention I have a deadline of June 30th?
Rain rain go away…
It has been raining everyday this week. Beautiful steady, falling straight down, soaking rain. And when it was not soaking rain, well it was torrential rain. Thankfully the temperature was somewhat tropical. The gardens are so lush and beautiful in appreciation. The planters, well that is another story of – soggy petunias. By the time we are able to mow the lawn again it will likely be a foot deep. No sign of the rain stopping anytime soon.
New supplies means new work
I receive the gesso board panels I ordered this week. Now I am able to get to the two commissions I have and also start another of my somewhat weekly oil painting. Funny how much I love receiving a new shipment of art supplies. Does not have to be anything really exciting or new. Just art supplies. I always imagine what I am going to do with them all. I imagine series of work. Almost always.
Eden Energy Medicine
This weekend I attended an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) workshop with Sue Hooper. I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the experience. Sue is an amazing and gracious instructor. Coming off the work getting ready for last weeks KCST I needed to switch it up and slow it down. The exercises will with fit in nicely with my current morning stretching and balancing routine.