WIP Cascading Blooms Watercolour Complete
WIP Cascading Blooms Watercolour Complete

WIP Cascading Blooms Watercolour Complete

Cascading Blooms a 1/2 sheet watercolour of pink climbing roses complete

Cascading Blooms watercolour by Helen Shideler


I finally figured out why I have been procrastinating so much.  At least I think I have been.  And not sure I was even conscious of it until now.  Participating in the 30 paintings in 30 day challenge in January was very satisfying.  I mean I completed a painting a day for goodness sake. Felt accomplished every single day!

Now that I am back to painting larger works – they seem to be taking forever.  I had a goal this weekend of finishing two.  Well, I only finished this one.  But, you know, you cannot hurry this type of work.

This is painted from reference photos I took at my friend Jeannie’s garden.  Each time I visit I take more photos and have painted this climbing pink rose at least three times.  You know her secret?  She fertilized them with her abundant source of horsey manure.  


For some reason I am completely captivated by roses and peonies. I am drawn in by their complexity.  Each petal has no less that four or five shades and has a soft almost velvet appearance.  The colours intensify at the centre into rich deep tone while the edgesbecome lighter with a few crinkles.   

I loved painting the leaves (and the blooms of course).  The ones in close proximately have so many different shades of greens and a bit of blue.   

Every time I finish one I tell myself – well that is enough and yet ever year I am compelled to do at least one or two more.  I have started to paint them on a smaller scale 1/2 sheet as opposed to full sheet.  No less effort – just good for framing options and really for your walls!

The painting is available on my web site