Pretty in Pink Deja Vu
Pretty in Pink Deja Vu

Pretty in Pink Deja Vu

Pretty in Pink WIP by Helen ShidelerDeja Vu.  Ever have it? 

That funny familiar feeling?  Spidey senses? Well this is one of those stories.  I was organizing my photos awhile back and came across a series of climbing rose photos.  One in particular caught my attention and so I ordered prints.  I eagerly sketched the flowers out, planned my paint and started to work. 

As I got close to the where I am now show in the photo, I started to have Deja Vu in a big way.  Something very familiar was going on. The centre of the large rose feels so familiar.  I then went to check my inventory list of paintings and found “Height of Summer”.  Oops, same reference material – different orientation – and I am halfway through.

Height of Summer watercolour by Helen Shideler

So I made the decision to stay with it.  I like it and have already invested so much time.

When I plan a painting I use a test sheet with colour samples and label the colours.  This helps me return to the piece should I take a break.  Quite often I do.  Get half way through a painting and start another one.  Actually start several.  I cannot help it.  Then I come back to it to finish the first one.  That is where I am with this now.  And I have set a deadline to finish it.