The Sentry Raven Painting is Finished
The Sentry Raven Painting is Finished

The Sentry Raven Painting is Finished

Water-color painting of a raven

The Sentry water-colour painting of a lone raven is finally finished.

Or at least I think it is.  I will likely stare at it for a few days scrutinizing it and then deciding.  But hey, It must be close, I actually signed it.

This painting presented a number of challenges for me.  Mainly naming it.  You can read all about my journey with this here. And after all that research I decided upon The Sentry.  And I still waffled between that and The Sentinel.  They mean almost the same thing to guard, although Sentry is usually associated with guarding a passage or a gate.

The other major challenge for me is determining if it is really finished or not.  When I was in high school art class Mr. Swedersky always coached me to stop working – just stop before you ruin it!

With this style of minimalistic background in order to feature the bird, it is difficult to decide when is enough enough?

The Sentry is a transparent water-colour painted on Arches 300lb paper and is a 1/2 sheet  is available on my web site at .  Link to The Sentry