“Center of Attention” Watercolour on Ampersand Aquabord (14 x 11″)
I am now on a mission to complete paintings that I started prior to embarking on the January challenge. I have two more sunflower paintings in progress in oil – and it is looking like they are already spoken for. Motivation!!!
Spring is in the air and I am loving the sunny, happy colours. Well, spring is not really in the air. This week we had another pounding blizzard. We have so much snow. I honestly cannot remember when I have seen so much of the white stuff. I always used to think fresh snow was so beautiful. And that storms are inspirational. Notice the tense? Used to. This last storm had me feeling restless and somewhat frustrated. But I painted.
Back to the colours here. Previously I painted “Flirting with Sunshine” as a companion painting. Both are custom framed the same in a dark, rich frame.