I have finally begun painting these two commissions of a very cute and special little boy. The photos were taken at two different ages. I drew them out about six weeks ago and “studied” them.
Really, this fall has been exceptionally busy with travel and visitors. I even took them to Vancouver in hopes of starting the painting there (nothing happened, I never even touched a brush, I was so distracted by my wonderful grandson).
Then to top it all off, I have been extremely distracted by ravens. And I really did study the drawings by looking at them a lot, thinking about them and wondering when if ever I would have the chance to start painting.
Back to the ravens.
Well, I drew out two ¼ sheet and one ½ sheet variations of ravens from the series of photographs I took in Yellowstone this past September. One painting is completed (Call of the Raven) and the other two are well underway. They are calling out to me. Helen come paint. Forget you have five commissions. Just paint us. You know you waaannnt to. You want to sketch out the large raven you want to paint in oil once you get through these three. With Christmas being only…oh next month, I finally got at it.
My strategy with these two is completely different from my usual. I decided to work on the background and clothing first. No reason. I just wanted to. Ah, who am I kidding? I am still procrastinating. Have I ever mentioned that I am a Master Procrastinator? I am doing the easy bits up front and building up to the faces. Wish me luck. Time is marching on very quickly.
I promised to deliver these the first week-end in December . They need some time get where they need to be on time for Christmas. Eeeeeks