
Ever Watchful – Cardinal painting

When you are this bright and this handsome you have to be Ever Watchful.

Northern Cardinals stand out in so many ways. Caught in action When observing cardinals you can’t help but notice how shy and elusive they are. They are constantly surveying their surroundings for signs of danger. I think that when you stand out as much as they do that you have to always be on high alert.

This fellow no doubt caught me taking his photo.

I have a really good zoom lens so I was respectful of his space. Besides, they would never let anyone get too close. Decked out The deck where we feed the birds is framed by a mature apple tree and two fir trees creating a bird (and squirrel) watchers paradise! We have three feeders around the deck and another one in the fir tree providing us with endless hours of entertainment.

The trees are literally alive with feathered and furry birds visiting. Almost like watching freeway traffic. The birds have an interesting routine. They fly from the shrubs to the trees, wait their turn in the apple tree and then fly to the feeders. They snatch a seed and then fly back to the shrubs to eat them. Over and over and over….

Click through to watch the painting develop


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