KCST June 11th and 12th
The Kings County Studio Tour is coming up quickly – next weekend to be exact. This is the “Getting to know” post published for me
What is your favourite time of day to work
Are you an early bird or a night hawk? It has been said that an hour in the morning is worth two in the afternoon. I hear the crack of dawn and want to get up and at it.
What would your dream project be?
If there were no restrictions with time or money, what would you create? A series of large canvases with some in oils and some in acrylics. Time is my biggest challenge trying to fit in all of my ideas – there is so much to do. I am never at a loss for inspiration. Sometime I stress myself out trying to do too many things at once!
What is the one tool of your trade you would not be able to do without?
Well I have an art supplies addiction. I love them all – so many possibilities, so much potential. And then someone comes up with something new. Oh my! Probably leaning towardswatercolors though. Tell us about that one special piece of work that you would never part with and why? A poured transparent watercolor painting of a seagull in flight “Coming in for a Landing”. I wanted to keep the foggy sky without the typical “legs” that pouring paint can create. This was tricky and I was breathing funny throughout the painting. But it worked. Although this painting may look simple it was very difficult to execute on. I am unsure most can appreciate the effort it took to create – so it is mine!
How do you recharge your creative juices?
Sunshine. Go outside, take a walk, sit at a beach, look at the sky, watch it rain, watch it snow, bird watching, look at colours, garden. Sit outside and breathe.
What would you do with a million dollars?
Honesty, first order a Hughes easel and then retire and travel with my husband. There would be some sharing with our family and some charitable donations as well. What kind of music do you like to listen to when you are creating? It changes a lot but generally uplifting, fun and no too loud.
If you had a superpower what would it be and why?
Probably fly. When I was a child I used to have a recurring dream that I would be running and then take off and fly. In these dreams I was really soaring and swooping. They were glorious dreams.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Yes, on apple crisp please